Update " Chili "

Friday, January 18, 2008

I released a new ensemble ...hmm I guess i ignored the winter completely...smells a bit like spring..." Chili " comes in 5 different colors...Amaij Cosmos * Cosmic Stars *...created cute matching Hair Flowers with particle ermitters and Leg Ribbons...Enjoy :)

Set contains / Laceup Cardigan,Top,Flexi Skirt,Puff Sleeves,Panties

Jewelry / Violet Voltaire
Flowers & Ribbons / Cosmic Stars
Boots / Shiny Things...Maitreya...Armidi
Socks / Shiny Things
Hair / HCT
Skin / Minnu Model Skins

HELP !!!

Saturday, January 12, 2008
Hi there,

some of my customers have problems with the SL system skirts,they only appear in appearance mode,and I have no idea how to fix it,same skirts look perfect on me or another customers...I havn't a clue what the problem is...any ideas ???


Update " Lou "

Thursday, January 10, 2008

An outfit for a modern cowgirl in the city jungle...

Set contains / Tank Top,Sweater,2 Fringed Flexi Skirts,Skirt Base,Waistband

Pumps / Stiletto Moody
Boots / Armidi
Necklace / Shiny Things
Skin / PXL - Crys
Hair / Celestial Studios - Cowgirl
Pudge - The Crystal
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