mimikri @ Uber..." Mica "

Sunday, June 24, 2018

For the June round of Uber I have released a new range of off-the-shoulder Chiffon Blouses and matching Beaded Bikinis .Available for SLink Physique + Hourglass and the Maitreya Mesh Body .

Taxi to...  Uber


mimikri @ Tres Chic..." Skye "

Saturday, June 16, 2018

For the June round of Tres Chic I have released embroidered off-the-shoulder Tops and matching cotton Mini Skirts .Available for SLink Physique + Hourglass and the Maitreya Mesh Body .

Taxi to... TRES CHIC 


mimikri @ Cosmopolitan..." Carly "

Monday, June 4, 2018

For Cosmopolitan I have released a new range of Flounce Mini Skirts ,matching  Tube Tops and Corset Belts .Available for SLink Physique + Hourglass and the Maitreya Mesh Body .

Taxi to...  Cosmopolitan

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